Plant Power

How to Get Back on Track

Written by Julie Evarts | Oct 28, 2022 4:23:15 AM

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In this series Coach Julie shares advice, strategies, and education on how to build healthy habits that last.

Trust me, we’ve all been there before. We start with one tiny Halloween candy and think – that’s it, that’s all I’m going to have. Then one thing leads to another and before we know it there are tiny wrappers collecting in a pile. Or we reach for a few chips to munch on and somehow, we finish the bag. We think, “What’s the point now? I’ll just start again on Monday,” and we fall off track.

We see this all the time as Plantable Coaches. It can be hard not to get discouraged when our healthy eating habits don't go as planned. Don’t let a small blip stop all the progress you’re making. Check out some of the strategies we share with our customers to help them get back on track.

Go Easy on Yourself

Food can bring up a lot of feelings of shame and guilt for many of us. We may have been taught that certain foods are “good” or “bad”. While there are definitely foods that don’t support your health (we’re looking at you sugar), eating them does not make you a bad person. While it can be disappointing when we let ourselves down, the best thing we can do to support ourselves is to accept what happened, cut ourselves some slack, and recommit to eating healthier.     

Know Your Triggers

In speaking with thousands of Plantable clients, I’ve come to learn that there are usually certain situations – events, spaces, emotions, and sometimes even other people – that can trigger us to eat in unhealthy ways. Maybe it’s the nostalgia of Halloween candy, or feelings of anxiety we get before an important presentation, or a big dinner at our family’s house. Whatever it is, it’s important to acknowledge and anticipate these triggers so we don’t have to rely on our willpower alone. For events like Thanksgiving, this can mean speaking to the host about healthy options, bringing something of our own, or eating a filling, high fiber snack in advance.

Remember your Reasons

We all have reasons for wanting to eat healthier. Whether that’s losing a few pounds, lowering our blood sugar or cholesterol, adding more glow to our skin, or just feeling better. It can be helpful to remember these reasons to get you excited again to get back on track. 

Think 90/10

It’s okay to indulge every once in a while, so long as you keep it in moderation. I like to remind the people I coach that we have 21 meal decisions to make each week. Try to stay on track with healthy eating 90% of the time. That means the remaining 10% of the time - or 3 meals a week - is fair game. Plan ahead and enjoy yourself.

Commit to a Week

Sometimes getting back on track is as simple as committing to a week of healthy eating. This means eating a diet of whole, healthy ingredients with no added sugar or highly processed foods. A week of eating like this may be all your body needs to detox from sugar cravings. This works both on a biological level as well as a psychological one. While healthy eating can help you curb cravings, it’s also the motivational boost you get from losing a few pounds and feeling healthier that keeps you going.     

In summary, don’t let an unplanned food choice get you down. Getting back to your healthy eating habits can be easier than you think. Dust yourself off and try these strategies to get back on track. 

Our Coaches are here to support you 1-on-1 in achieving your health goals. They are your partners providing accountability, education, and support in creating healthy habits that last. Learn more about Plantable’s coaching difference. 

The Plantable 7-Day Quickstart may be the boost you need to get back on track. Commit to a week of healthy eating with our coaching along with 12 chef-prepared, plant-based entrees.