Plant Power

Set Your Intentions

Written by Julie Evarts | Dec 8, 2022 11:19:44 PM
We want to set some intentions for this year so that we can use our time and energy on things that will bring us true joy. Setting intentions helps us stay focused on the things that matter most.
So, what do we want to do in 2023? Let's get started!
We've been thinking about this and decided we want to try something new. We want to eliminate our old habits and try some new ones. We know that if you set an intention for yourself, you're more likely to achieve it. So here are some ideas for 2023.
Discover Your Core Values – It's surprising how many people cannot define their core values or what those values mean related to an experience at work or in life. Without access to your core values, you lose sight of what tethers you to what's important to you as a human, and you may take it personally when other people "step" on those values unintentionally. When you have clarity around your values, you can see conflict brewing when you and others don't share values. Still, you can see it as a difference, not a personal insult or a professional put-down.
Define Your Mission – A personal mission statement isn't just a good idea—it's one of the most powerful tools for reaching your goals. It shows you what to say no to. It saves you time and energy for what matters most. It aligns your every moment in service of your goals. It's a private declaration of your choice to be in the place that you are at any given time and a reminder that you always have a choice – to be in or out of a job or to be in or out of a relationship. Here are a few examples to get you started: "To positively impact the lives of every person I encounter. ""To educate young minds and create compassionate, empathetic and hard-working members of society," or "To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy."
Design tangible, achievable goals for your health and relationships
– Take the first step to a new future. With the steps above completed, you're ready to be intentional and authentic about what you want next. Defining this and naming it helps you not only to stay in a positive choice but to use your choice to drive what you want from life and to look at everything that crosses your path as a building block for what you want to happen next.
We want to spend more time with family and friends. We want to ensure we're not missing out on important moments, so we've set an intention for ourselves to call or text at least one person every day.
  • Phone a friend every day
  • Connect with a family member who may be lonely
  • Schedule regular time for social interactions
We also want to eat healthier. To do this, we've intended to only eat junk food once a month (and maybe less). 
  • Clear out the temptations in your pantry/fridge.
  • Make a grocery list/meal plan - plan ahead. 
  • Stop buying foods that won't support your goals.
Finally, we'd like to move our bodies more often! We've set an intention that we'll do something physical at least 3 times per week (and hopefully more).
  • Wall push-ups every time you use the restroom
  • Squats when you brush your teeth and are at the kitchen sink
  • Arm curls with soup cans during the ads of the TV show
  • Walk around the block every other day
Reframe your attitude and approach to stressful situations – Reframing is seeing the current situation from a different perspective, which can be tremendously helpful in solving problems, making decisions, and learning. When people get stuck in a recurring issue, it is often because they are stuck in how they see the situation. A simple example of reframing looks like this: you are driving to a meeting or picking up a child from school, and traffic is terrible. Instead of getting angry and frustrated, say to yourself, "I get to go to a meeting," "I have a child to pick up." Instead of dreading that you have to clean your house or cut the grass, say to yourself, "I have a house to clean" or "I have grass that I can cut." While seemingly simple, this reframing technique can really make a difference in your daily life.
Recalibrate Your Expectations – Most of us walk around with baggage in how we see others in our personal and professional lives and how we see (and talk to) ourselves. It's essential to shed the baggage and examine what benefits those preconceptions bring or if we need to put them down. Without this "shedding," it's challenging to have a clear vision for the future. Intentionally choose your relationships and the way they evolve and change. Talk as nicely to yourself as you talk to others…a personal pep talk can do wonders for your psyche!
In Summary: Let's start by writing down your goals, aspirations, and intentions for the coming year. Make a note on your calendar in July to review your progress and make adjustments if necessary. Check again in December and give yourself a high-five for a well-done job!
Whatever your intention, to lose weight, improve your health, get more energy, Plantable has all the tools for success under one roof including delicious, nutrient-rich, satisfying meals, one-on-one coaching, and the support and resources you need to achieve your goals. Check out our programs here.