Notes from the Coach

For my Mom and All Moms

Written by Nadja Pinnavaia | Mar 13, 2022 2:48:23 PM

Today is Mother’s Day - a special day to remember all moms - those that are here with us, those who are far away and those who have been unfortunately taken away.

It’s been 15 years since my mother died of breast cancer but I still think of her so often. I would not be the person I am without her love, without the strength and courage she gave me, that still breathes inside of me today. Only when I myself became a mom was I able to understand so many things. Most importantly I understood unconditional love - that love that we have for our children that is tested time and time again, yet has no bottom. 

When I learned how massively what we eat impacts our health and well-being, it became my mission to make health-supportive eating so much easier and so pleasurable for everyone. Euphebe was born. Because while my own experience reminds me that life holds no guarantees, I want to do everything in my power to be around for my children as long as I possibly can. 

With love to all the moms everywhere. Thank you for all that you do and for being you. 


Nadja xx